Evesham Township School Board Meeting 11/16/17 Summary - Not much happened

The Evesham Township School District held its monthly meeting last night and it was the quickest one I have ever attended.  I'm not sure it warrants a blog post, but I've been asked by several people when the blog will be up, so here goes.

The meeting was heavily attended, but there were only 6 of the 9 School Board members in attendance, with Mr Fisacaro, Mr Student and Mr Mehigan occupied elsewhere.  The reason for the high attendance were presentations from (and recognition of) different student groups.

The first presentation was from a group of 5th grade girls from DeMasi Elementary school, with their teacher Ms Krudzlo.  Their presentation was on self-confidence and learning to push through your struggles.  They performed a short skit, read some inspiring quotes from Emma Watson, and performed the song The Climb by Miley Cyrus.  The song featured three girls seated in the center of the stage, with the remainder of the girls standing to either side of them on the stage and snapping a beat.  The presentation was quite enjoyable.

The second presentation was from the DeMasi Steam Tank teams who competed recently in the 'Steam Tank Challenge' in Atlantic City at the New Jersey School Board Association Workshop.  This is the second year they have competed, and they won the competition last year.  One team worked on a project called 'Flatulence Be Gone', which tried to solve the problem of methane pollution produced on farms by cows.  They are developing a spray which will breakdown the methane into its component parts.  The second team worked on producing bracelets which will sense lead in the bloodstream of the wearer by turning orange.  Results of this year's competition have not yet been announced.

The DeMasi Middle School Cross Country team was recognized for recently competing in the League Championship.

The Superintendent's report noted that this past week was 'American Education Week', where classrooms were open to parents to come to school and sit in on classes.

All items on the agenda for the evening were included under a single 'consent agenda', where a single vote passed all items.

Resident Dave Silver was the only member of the public to participate in the public comment portion of the evening.  He noted that he would be unable to attend the next school board meeting but wanted to thank Ms Harmon and Mr Student for their service to the community.  Both Ms Harmon and Mr Student will be leaving the board in January.

During closing comments, Ms Harmon thanked the teachers for opening the schools to the parents for American Education Week, and then the meeting was adjourned.

(Note: Zane Clark from the Marlton Sun was in attendance, so there may be a story published in the near future)