Evesham School Board Meeting 4/26/2018 Recap

The April 26th School Board meeting began with Superintendent Scavelli introducing and making a presentation to 3 'Superintendents For A Day' (the 4th was not in attendance).  These were student presidents of green and red hall in both DeMasi Middle and Marlton Middle Schools.  The children sat up front on the dais interspersed with the regular School Board Members and followed along intently as the meeting proceeded.  They had visited several schools during the day and attended staff meetings at the Admin Building as well.

Next was a student presentation by CARES from Jaggard Elementary.  CARES is composed of 10 2nd grade students and 10 4th grade students with a focus on responsibility, empathy, self-control, sharing and assertion.  Highlights from a video were shown, including a very well-received blooper reel.

The agenda for the rest of the meeting is located here.

Item 6 passed with a 9-0 vote.
Item 7 passed with an 8-0-1 vote, as Mr McGoey abstained.

Item 8 passed with an 9-0 vote.  Mr Scavelli discussed the 24th Annual 'Eyes On Art' at the municipal building, which will feature art by Evesham students.  The program opens on May 22nd from 5-8pm with live music being provided by the Marlton Middle School Orchestra.  The program runs through May 31st, with regular hours from 9am to 7pm. 

It was noted that the scheduled school board meeting for June 21st has been moved to June 12th so as not to conflict with middle school graduation.  There will be a public budget hearing on May 3.

Item 9 passed with a 9-0 vote.

During discussion of Item 10, Ms Stone asked why the board was using ACES.  Mr Scavelli explained that ACES was the COOP that the school board has been using to broker for electricity and gas for the school district.  The district used to put out to bid their electric needs every year, and after comparing what they were able to obtain and what ACES was able to get for them, they decided to go with ACES, whom they have been with for a number of years.  Aces was created in 1999 when New Jersey passed its energy deregulation act.   ACES was set up by the New Jersey School Board Associations to purchase energy supplies on a competitive group basis.  More information on ACES can be found here.

As a condition for receiving State aid, a school district must participate in ACES "unless the district is able to demonstrate...that it receives goods or services at a cost less than...." those obtained through ACES.  Currently 559 school districts in NJ use ACES to provide energy to their districts.

Ms Stone asked if we had spoken with any other COOP providers and suggested the school district look at Regional Resource Management.  Both Mr Scavelli and Mr Recchinti stated they were not aware of Regional Resource Management, and Ms Stone advised them that she used RRM for her small business.

Mr Scavelli stressed that this request should have come earlier, that he doesn't feel comfortable holding off on this vote, as the agreement needs to be submitted to the state, and that there is much more that would need to be done than just getting a quote.  He can take the information and look into it in the future.   Mr Mehigan then pointed out that the agenda item is voting for a 5 year contract with ACES.

Ms Stone proposed a motion to table the ACES agenda item (10.11), with a second from Mr Mehigan.  Mr Donio noted that a motion to table is not debatable so a vote was then held.    The motion to table Item 10.11 passed by a vote of 5-4, with Mehigan, McGoey, Bravo, Stone and Ryan all voting in favor of the motion to table.

The remaining motions in Item 10 passed by a vote of 9-0.

Item 11 passed by a vote of 9-0, with abstentions from item 11.9 by Ms Barbagiovanni, Mr Fisacaro, Mr McGoey and Ms Stone.

After the agenda items were completed, under new business, Ms Barbagiovanni proposed a motion to ask the town to waive the property tax assessment on Evans, which was seconded by Ms Everhart.  Mr Bravo asked if there were any issues with voting on the motion due to the fact that the tax appeal is still going on.  Mr Donio stated that there were no issues, they can certainly hold the vote, but he didn't think it would have any affect.  Mr Donio stated that a vote in favor would mean that the board would draft a letter (written by Mr Recchinti) and sent to the town taxing authority.  The motion was passed by a vote of 6-3, with Fisacaro, Barbagiovanni, Everhart, Ryan, Bravo and Knoll all voting in favor, with McGoey, Mehigan and Stone voting No.

During public comment, a member of the public asked if the school board would consider requiring background checks to all volunteers coming into the school.  Mr Scavelli said they would research what other districts are doing and consider it.

During final comments:

  • Ms Stone promoted the Evesham Education Foundation Golf Tournament on June 11.
  • Ms Barbagiovanni and Ms Everhart mentioned the immigration ceremony they attended at Marlton Elementary School, as well as Colonial Day at Van Zant
  • Ms Ryan thanked everyone for their participation in the recent volleyball tournament