ETSD School Board Meeting 8/23/2018 Summary

The Evesham Township School District held its regularly scheduled School Board meeting on 8/23/2018 at DeMasi Middle School.  It was a meeting light on agenda.  Ms Ryan was not in attendance.  There were also a few candidates for the upcoming school board election in the audience which was good to see.

A presentation was given by Ms Magulick, Director of Curriculum and Instruction regarding the self-assessment all schools performed on their anti-bully efforts.  Periodically, all schools in the district rate themselves on certain criteria, with a 0-3 grading system (0=Does not meet, 1=Partially Meets, 2 = Meets, 3=Exceeds).  Per the self-grading, all areas meet or exceed their requirements.

Self-grading assessment
During board questioning, Ms Knoll asked if these numbers were an improvement.  Ms Magulick responded that the numbers have trended upward over time.

In addition, Mr Scavelli gave a quick presentation on school safety data, which is reported twice per year.  For the January through June 2018 time frame, there were 34 incidents of intimidation or bullying, 20 incidents of violence, 1 incident of vandalism, 5 incidents of substance abuse and 0 incidents of weapons.

Item 6 (approval of mintues of prior meetings) was passed by an 8-0 vote, except for Executive Session #2, for which Ms Barbagiovanni, Mr Fisacaro and Mr McGoey abstained due to conflict (relatives employed by the district).

Mr Scavelli talked about the need for Strategic Planning due to cuts in aid from the state.  This was also a topic at the last meeting - the district has re-engaged the consultants they used back in 2010 to help with future planning.  Meetings have also been scheduled for public input on October 15, October 29 and November 12 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.  More details to come.

Item 7 passed by a 8-0 vote.

During discussion on reimbursement on expenses, Mr Bravo asked if there was any way to force employees to submit expenses more quickly.  Some submitted expenses are from the beginning of the school year.  Ms Magulick advised that there are guidelines encouraging monthly submissions, but that as these items have already been approved and budgeted, the district is required to pay as long as they are submitted by June 30.

Item 8 passed by an 8-0 vote

Item 9 passed by an 8-0 vote,  except for 9.4 (Board Member Travel) which was abstained from by Ms Barbagiovanni, as it was her travel that was being voted upon.

Item 10 passed by an 8-0 vote, except for items 10.6 and 10.9 which were abstained from by Mr McGoey.

During the agenda item devoted to committee reports, Ms Barbavioganni noted that brainstorming has been taking place between the Finance Committee members, looking for ways to reduce expenses without affection instruction.

Ms Barbagiovanni also asked if the letter that the district sent to the Town Council asking them to waive the taxes assessed to Evans school had been received and if they had received any response.  Mr Recchinti noted that the letter had been sent via email and US Mail and no response has been received.  He will follow up with another letter.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2018.

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